November 5, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Dean Taylor will be sharing a message titled Two Kingdom Theology at Living Water Mennonite Church on Thursday Nov 5, 2020 at 7pm.
Dean is the president of Sattler College and an active contributor to The Historic Faith. He is married to Tania and is the father of three sons and three daughters. He currently lives outside of Boston, Massachusetts where he fellowships with Followers of the Way church. Earlier in his life Dean served as a sergeant in the U.S. Army stationed in Germany. After questioning the role of Christians in warfare Dean began to study the Early Church, the just war theory, and the place of the Church in society. Through this study, Dean and his wife Tania felt they could no longer support the concept of a “just war theory” biblically. Following this conviction Dean and his wife embraced a clear two-kingdom view of the Church and State and resigned from the army as a conscientious objector during the first Iraq war. This experience led Taylor to commit himself to spreading the message of Jesus’ peaceful revolution. Education Taylor is currently working on his ThD in Historical Theology from Evangelical Seminary in Myerstown, Pennsylvania. Earlier Taylor earned a Master of Health Science from the Texas Wesleyan University and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas at Tyler. Furthermore, he studied patristic theology and early Christian writings under historian David Bercot, and preaching and pastoral studies under Denny Kennaston. Interests Taylor is passionate about taking all of Jesus’ words seriously and putting them into action. One outlet for this passion is teaching a Historical Theology class at Sattler College. Also, he has published several books, most notably A Change of Allegiance, which chronicles his journey from soldier to nonresistant Anabaptist.